Why The Stamina Coach Is The Best Premature Ejaculation Book

Stamina Coach

Relationships coach Adam Vance has recently released his anticipated program on how to last longer in bed and the team at KTB Mag have been able to check it out and let me just say that if you have a problem with premature ejaculation this will be an absolute game-changer for you.

There have been a few online premature ejaculation guides floating around the net for a while now but quite frankly they have been downright disappointing. Many with flashy websites promising the world but with the same old regurgitated rubbish within the book.

The Stamina Coach is different and here’s why

Adam has worked face to face with guys with severe premature ejaculation for years and has used this experience to constantly refine his methods and techniques to pinpoint what really works for you.

Adam points out that back in 2012 he started carrying out surveys on the success of his system.  Back then it was able to help 63% of premature ejaculation effected men improve their lasting time to an average of 25 minutes. Well, that’s not too bad, but check this out. The same surveys carried out with Adams’s new Stamina Coach system have shown that a whopping 98% of guys get to 25 minutes lasting time after 4 weeks.

How Does The Stamina Coach Program Work?

It’s all based around 9 core skill sets that can be worked on in isolation. Adam says that this ensures that all the bases are covered and gives a rock-solid foundation that ensures that it’s almost impossible to fail. Unlike most attempts to treat premature ejaculation the Stamina Coach looks at both the physical and mantel factors at play and demonstrates how they all work together. But if you want to know in detail exactly what all the methods you will learn are, check out his very detailed rundown of all the ways you can last longer during sex which is a much read for any guy who can’t last in bed (even if you don’t intend to complete the program).

What it covers

Here’s a list of some of the skill-sets covered by the program that we liked.

  • How to understand your body’s arousal responses and control them
  • 3 Breathing techniques and when to use each of them
  • How to control the ejaculatory reflex (This is the involuntary twitching of the PC muscles that can lead to early ejaculation
  • Understand how various potions and techniques effect your control and know exactly when to use each one
  • How to put yourself “in the zone” during sex
  • Key methods to turn back the clock and cool your ejaculatory system
  • Skills to avoid unwanted muscular tension that can trigger an early ejaculation
  • Practical methods to develop focus and confidence in bed

There’s plenty more in the but as you can see, Adam has covered a lot of stuff to start boosting lasting time right away. If you are one of the 40 percent of males troubled by premature ejaculation or would simple like to boost your performance to that next level, the Stamina Coach will be just what you have been looking for.

Where to get it

You can find out more information about how to last longer in bed with the Stamina Coach guide at staminacoach.com where Adam goes into great detail about exactly what this system can do for you.

Klay Butler

Klay is one of our most experienced journalists who specialize in fitness and relationship wellbeing for men.

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